
All the events have now taken place and we've announced the class champions, country champions and world champions!

Last Friday we were at Cranbrook School as they gave out the certificates!

And here is one of the world champions!


Greater Joy School Virtual Olympics

And here some children at Greater Joy School in Kitwe giving it their all!

Kawama School Virtual Olympics

Here are the children at Kawama School in Kitwe enjoying themselves as they do the Virtual Olympics!

Janna School Virtual Olympics

We've been busy at the schools in Zambia getting the Virtual Olympics activities completed!

It's been lots of fun and here are some photos for you to see what's been happening!

Here are the children at Janna School in Ndola taking part in the Virtual Olympics!


With the Olympics happening this year, we would love to see the schools in the UK and Zambia who are partnering together through Beyond Ourselves participate in our own, virtual, Olympics.

We would like to invite your school, year groups 3-6, to participate in 5 different events to compete against other children in the UK and Zambia!

Click on the above tabs to find out more!